How-to Guide for Twitter Lists

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Twitter Lists allow users to organize tweeple into smaller groups, which helps make tweets viewable that could be missed otherwise. One of the great things about Twitter Lists is that you can add any person you want, regardless of whether you follow them. Other users can add you to their own list and subscribe to the lists that you have created. You can also make a list private. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about Twitter Lists.

How to Create a Twitter List

It’s very easy to create your own Twitter List. You can create up to ten lists.

  1. Log in to your Twitter account. Tap your profile picture or the navigation menu icon in the top-left corner of the screen.

  1. Select “Lists” from the side menu.

  1. Select the “new list” icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

  1. Enter your list’s name (no more than 25 characters). The name of your list cannot start with a number. Enter a short description for your list as well (less than 100 characters). You also have the option to keep your list public or tap the checkbox to make it private.

  1. Add people to your list if you wish. Select “Add” for each profile you want to add, then select “Done.”

How to Add People to Your Twitter List

After creating your lists, you’ll be taken to a new page where you can add people to your list.

Add or Remove People from Your List via Their Profiles

  1. Go to the profile you want to add to your list and select the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner.

  1. Select “Add/remove from Lists.”

Note: you don’t need to follow a profile to add it to your list.

Add or Remove List Members via the Following Page

  1. Select the “Following” tab from your Home page.

  1. Choose the three-dot icon near the profile you want to add to your list.

  1. Select “Add/remove [Twitter handle] from Lists.”

Manage Your List Members from the List Menu

  1. Tap your profile picture and open “Lists.”

  1. Select the list you want to manage.

  1. Choose “Edit List.”

  1. Tap on “Manage members.”

  1. Search for and add people to your list from the “Suggested” section.

Editing and Deleting Lists

  1. From your profile menu, select “Lists. “

  1. Choose the list you want to modify or delete.

  1. Select “Edit List.” You can either modify or delete your list from here.

How to Share a List

You can only share public lists. If your list is private, go to “Edit List” and make it public. To share a Twitter List, follow the steps below:

  1. Open “Lists” from your profile menu.

  1. Select the list you want to share.

  1. Click on the “Share” icon in the top-right corner.

  1. Your options to share a list are:
  • Copying the link to the list
  • Sending list via Direct Message
  • Tweet the list

How to Check the Lists You Are On

  1. Open “Lists” from your profile menu.

  1. Select the three-dot icon in the upper-right corner.

  1. Open “Lists you’re on.”

Following a New List

If you are interested in the content of a list, follow that list via these steps:

  1. Open “Lists” from the profile or navigation menu.

  1. Select “Show More” in the “Discover new Lists” section.

  1. Hit “Follow” for any list you find interesting.

Removing Yourself from a List

Sometimes people will add you to a list that you don’t want to be on. In such cases, blocking the creator of the list will remove you from that list. Follow the steps below to remove yourself:

  1. Open the list you have been added to and tap the creator’s name.

  1. Click on the three-dot icon on the creator’s profile.

  1. Select “Block.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the limits for Twitter Lists?

You can create up to 1000 lists on each of your Twitter accounts, and each list can host up to 5000 members.

Are private lists visible to followers?

No. Private lists are not searchable. They are also only visible to the members and the creator. However, public lists can be searched and viewed by everyone on Twitter.

What does the “You aren’t allowed to add members to this list” error mean?

You may think you have reached the cap for adding members to your list when this error pops up. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your list is full. You may see this error when you want to add a large number of people to a specific list in a short period of time.

It’s better not to add many members to a list at the same time. Wait for 15 minutes after adding several members to avoid this error.