About Make Tech Easier

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Make Tech Easier is a reputable tech site with strong focus on computer tutorials, how-to, hacks and fixes. Our motto is “Uncomplicating the complicated, making life easier“.

Founded in 2007 by Damien Oh, the site was started as a means to document our learning and share our knowledge to others. It has since grown to a popular site with a team of 20 writers.

Our reach

This site now reaches over three million unique users and generates over six millions pageviews every month. The MakeTechEasier community includes more than 50K friends and followers on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, RSS feed and many other social media.

What to expect from this site

In this site, you will learn tons of computer tips and tricks that will change you to a computer geek (even without you knowing it). Topics covered here include troubleshooting your computer, optimizing operating system performance (be it Windows, Mac or Linux), simplifying tasks, software review and plenty of cool stuff. If you think that computer technology is only for geeks, then we aspire to change your thinking.

How to benefit from this site?

This site is updated regularly with high quality content. To get the most out of this, it is best to subscribe to our RSS feed and get first hand news. If you prefer reading emails, we can send it right to your mailbox. All you have to do is to subscribe to our email update.

You can also interact with us on social networks. We are active in Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Youtube

Meet the Team

Here’s everyone that makes this site possible.

Damien Oh

Laura Tucker
Copy Editor

Sayak Boral

Crystal Crowder

Alexandra Arici

Ryan Lynch

Ramces Red

Phil South

Karrar Haider

David Morelo

Megan Glosson

Zainab Falak

Danny Maiorca

Haroon Javed

Yash Patel


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