How to Create, Edit, and Delete Reminders on Google Nest

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The Google Assistant is fantastic at handling reminders. Not only will it alert you on a given day and time, but any Android devices you have will also show the reminder. This means you can set a reminder through a Google Nest Hub, then get reminded while you’re out and about with your phone.

Let’s explore setting up reminders as well as editing and deleting them.

How to Create a Reminder on Google Assistant

To start, say the phrase “Hey Google” to your Google Nest device or your Android phone.

When the Google Assistant is listening, say “Set a reminder.” Google will then ask you what you want to be reminded of, so you’ll need to provide that answer.

Next, Google Assistant will ask when you want to set the reminder. Mention the date you want it to fire, such as “January 23rd.” You can also say phrases such as “tomorrow” and “next week,” and Google will know what you mean.

Then, Google will ask for a time. Let it know what time you want the reminder to fire. Remember, if you want to remind yourself to be somewhere at a certain time, set the reminder earlier than your scheduled arrangement. For instance, if you have a dentist appointment at 6 pm, set the reminder to go off at 5 pm so you have time to travel.

Now that you have the basics down, you can speed up the process. When you set your second reminder, say “Hey Google.” Then, when Google is listening, say all the details of your reminder at once. For example: “Set a reminder for a dentist’s appointment at 5 pm next week.

Finding Your Reminders for Editing

Editing a reminder can be done through your Google Nest device: just tell it that you want to edit your reminders. However, it’s a lot easier and quicker to do using your phone.

There are three ways to see your reminders on mobile.

Using Google Assistant

Hold down the home button or say “Hey Google.” Ask Google Assistant, “What are my reminders?” It will then show today’s reminders and a button that says “More Reminders.” If you have no reminders today, instead say “Show all of my reminders,” then click the button.

Tap this to see all your reminders, then tap on the reminder you want to edit or delete it.

Using Google Feed

If you have Google Feed (the page that appears if you scroll your home screen all the way to the left) you can view your reminders here. Open Google Feed, then tap your avatar on the top right.

Then tap Reminders.

You’ll see all the current and completed reminders you have set. To change a reminder, tap the name of the one you want to edit or delete.

Using the Google Home App

To use the Google Home app that you used to set up your Nest devices, first open the app, then tap “Settings” on the right.

Scroll down all the way to the Google “Assistant services category,” then tap on “More settings.”

Tap on the “Services” category near the top, then select “Reminders.”

This will show you all the reminders you’ve set. Tap the one you want to edit.

Editing or Deleting a Reminder

Whichever method you chose, you should now see the reminder you want to edit or delete. From here, just tap either the pencil to edit it or the bin icon to delete it.

Mindful Reminders

Google Assistant reminders are very useful, but they can be tricky to get set up. Now you know how to set one as well as how to edit the ones you’ve set in the past. Other than setting reminders, there are also plenty of things you can get your personal assistant to do.

Does this help you remember all those jobs you have to get done? Let us know below.

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Simon Batt

Simon Batt is a Computer Science graduate with a passion for cybersecurity.

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