The Best Smart Home Hubs for 2020

Home hubs are a great asset for anyone who wants to make their home “smarter.” With so many home hubs on the market, however, it can be confusing as to which are high quality and which are not worth your time. That’s why we’ve collected the home hubs worth your money in 2020, because none … Read more

How to Use Tab Groups in Google Chrome

No matter which browser you use, you can always count on the problem of having too many tabs open. The good news is that companies like Google know this and are proactively helping to solve this pain point. Enter “Tab Groups” and a better way of organizing and labeling your existing tabs. As the de … Read more

Should You Use Public Wi-Fi Networks in 2021?

Since people are attracted to shops and restaurants with free Wi-Fi, it’s becoming even more common for businesses to offer it. But how safe are these public Wi-Fi networks really? The rule in the past has always been to stay off public Wi-Fi. It’s dangerous. But today, with the large-scale use of HTTPS encryption on … Read more

Hamas Malware Infects Israeli Defense Force Phones

As malware becomes more targeted on key organizations, we’re seeing more sensitive groups be singled out for attacks. Recently, the Israeli Defense Force suffered a wave of attacks after Hamas used malware to infiltrate its system. How did the infection get in, and what does Hamas’s malware do? How the Infection Spread The infection was … Read more

How to Sync Your Subtitles Automatically with SubSync

If your entertainment horizons extend beyond your own language, you know that only a select few foreign movies and series end up dubbed. For the rest, you have to rely on subtitles. Unfortunately, the vast majority of subtitles are created by hobbyists, based on their version of a video that could be different than yours. … Read more

How to Disable Netflix’s Auto-Playing Previews

For all of the incredible entertainment Netflix brings to our lives, autoplay video previews is not part of it. Netflix fans have long asked the company to allow an option to disable these previews. Thar time has finally arrived, and the video streaming giant will now allow users to turn off the bombardment of sound … Read more

How to Get Microsoft Office for Cheap

Microsoft practically gave away their suite of Office software in the early days of the PC boom. Turns out that this was a brilliant marketing move as now virtually every individual, school and business relies on Microsoft Office software to get work done. As it turns out, Microsoft was playing a long game. Now, Microsoft’s … Read more

Should You Burn In Your Headphones, or is it Just a Waste of Time?

Linger around in audiophile circles long enough and you’ll eventually come across the curious ritual of burning in headphones. This process essentially involves running audio gear for an extended period of time. This is purported to make your headphones, IEMs, and speakers sound better. If that sounds implausible, that’s probably because the concept is a … Read more

Microsoft Edge (Chromium Version) vs Google Chrome

Microsoft has been trying to win the browser wars since they began back in the mid-1990s. Their newest attempt, Microsoft Edge Chromium, has the potential to get them closer to that goal. Of course, they had to use the same foundational coding as Google Chrome to do this. Chrome and the new Edge are both … Read more