Are We About to Hit Video Streaming Service Overload?

How many streaming services are you currently subscribing to? The answer might be zero or one, but if you’re anything like me, the answer is four. When I think about my answer, it almost makes me feel like I’m overwhelming myself with options. Netflix, Disney Plus, Apple TV and Amazon Prime all live on my … Read more

What Is a Smart Bed, and Do You Need One?

Smart technology encompasses almost every aspect of our lives, from the workplace, to the living room, kitchen, dining room, and even the bedroom. If you love hanging out in your bed and just never want to leave, then you need to check out a smart bed. Not only does it come with great smart features … Read more

Hands on with the New Microsoft Edge (Chromium Version)

Microsoft’s much anticipated Edge Chromium browser is finally here. While there are many other browsers based on Chromium, the new Edge has been optimized for Windows 10. With an “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” motto, it looks like the new browser could pose a significant challenge to the decade-old reign of Google Chrome. … Read more

Best Ways to Rewatch CES 2020 Keynotes

This year’s CES showed off the newest devices and biggest tech developments that we’re likely to see roll out over the next year – like Wi-Fi 6, one of the most powerful DSLR cameras yet and a pizza-making robot, among others. Luckily, even if you missed your chance to catch the conference live – or … Read more

7 Best Firefox Extensions You Need to Use in 2021

Ever since Firefox got its huge “Quantum” update back in 2018, Mozilla’s popular browser has been on a resurgence. It’s faster than ever, and the back-end overhaul meant that extension developers had to redesign their apps to work with Firefox Quantum. Now that the dust has settled, there are tons of smoothly functioning Firefox extensions … Read more

Emotet Malware Targets US Government

Over the past few years, we’ve seen malware escalate its targets. No longer are viruses meant as malicious pranks on the general public – now big businesses and government departments are under siege. Emotet is one example of this kind of escalation. While it has been around for a long time, we’ve recently seen it … Read more

How to Set Up an Inexpensive Home Intercom System

Have you ever wished you could simply press a button and call everyone in the house for dinner? What if you could wake up all your teenagers so they don’t miss the bus without pounding on every door? You can purchase actual intercom systems for hundreds of dollars, or you can set up an inexpensive … Read more

What You Need to Know About 10G

If you’ve been following tech news, you’ve almost certainly heard of 5G, the next generation of wireless technology for cellular networks, but you may not know about 10G broadband, advertised at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Below, we’ll cover everything you need to know about 10G – what it is, who’s developing it and … Read more

How to Locate a Lost Apple Watch Using Find My App

While the Apple watch comes with many features, it is expensive, so you wouldn’t want to lose one. We’ve all been there – we can’t find our Apple Watch and are suddenly confronted with the idea that we may have misplaced a very important piece of technology. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take … Read more

5 of the Best Cross-Platform Note-Taking Apps

Of all the apps on your smartphone or computer, there is a strong likelihood that your note-taking app of choice is one of the most used. For so many, having a note-taking app available whenever, wherever is indispensable. That’s why you need a cross-platform option, but which one do you choose? Let’s take at look … Read more