How to Securely Send Sensitive Information Over the Internet

Sending login credentials, account information, credit card numbers, and other sensitive information to someone over the Internet, email or a messenger application isn’t the best idea, but sometimes it seems like the only way. That’s why encryption exists. There are actually tons of ways to securely share information and sensitive files, and many of them … Read more

Web Code Playground Tools You Should Try

If you’re at all into web coding, you’ve probably used at least one code playground in your time. These aren’t your usual code editors, but places where you can test your code without worrying about the backend server setup. Codepen and JSFiddle are the two most popular, but, perhaps unsurprisingly (given that the target audience … Read more

How to Use Google Maps in Incognito Mode

Google Maps can be a godsend when you are in a part of a neighborhood you are not familiar with. It also offers a great way to keep tabs on the places you have been to. But what if you don’t want Google Maps to keep track of where you have been? Fortunately, the feature … Read more

How to Use Google to Look for Jobs

More and more people are going online to find jobs. There are a lot of sites dedicated to finding and compiling job offers, and now the biggest search engine giant on the Internet, Google itself, also offers its services to help you find your next promising job opening. Google for Jobs is a Google feature … Read more

How to Add Favorite Movies to Watchlist on Google

There is more film content online than any one person can watch in a lifetime. Every day you find references to films from other countries or lesser-known theater circuits that you would be interested in watching someday but whose name you forget soon afterward once you move on to other Internet news. Google already allows … Read more

How to Improve the Way Videos Look in VLC

You may think the colors are a bit off on a YouTube video. Or you might have failing eyesight, like yours truly, and think every video looks fuzzy, like if your screen was coated with Vaseline. VLC is here to help. There are countless guides explaining how you can tweak your videos to enhance their … Read more

How to Tag Faces Manually in Google Photos

Have you ever tried to find photos of someone to use at a graduation party or other occasion? It can take forever to look through all your digital images to find those you want. Now the Google Photos app has made it possible for you to manually tag photos instead of relying entirely on automatic … Read more

Tech Predictions Likely to Come True in 2020

With the arrival of a new year and a new decade all at once, tech predictions for 2020 are plentiful. While we won’t see flying cars or a robot helper in every home, there are plenty of predictions for what can come true over the next 365 days. Let us take a look at some … Read more

7 of the Best Smart Kitchen Appliances in 2020

The kitchen is often referred to as the “heart of the home” and for good reason. From family gatherings, holidays and everyday meals, the kitchen is home to plenty of memories. With the continuous release of “smart” products, is it not time that the kitchen also becomes the brains of the home? While the Food … Read more