The Best Home Automation Systems for 2020

If you’re like a lot of people, you probably have a fairly busy life. While it doesn’t always work, one of the goals of most technology should be to make our lives easier. That’s why home automation can be such a nice thing. A system than can take care of many of the minor details … Read more

How to Get More Search Results Per Page on Google Search

Google puts all the information in the world literally at the tips of your fingers. You may spend several hours every day on the search engine giant hunting for unusual websites and tracking down little-known links. But you will still only access less than 0.001 percent of all the knowledge available on the Web. With … Read more

How to Neutralize the Threat Posed by Your Zombie Accounts

There are few places online you can properly explore today without setting up an account first. From shopping to emailing to simply writing a comment under a video or article, most netizens juggle multiple cyber accounts at oncem and that has led to the proliferation of zombie accounts. What Are Zombie Accounts? A zombie account … Read more

WebSatchel Review – Save Web Pages for Later Use

If you’ve ever wanted to save a webpage, you’ve probably discovered how finicky it can be. Saving the page via the “Save As” dialogue makes it an HTML file, which can be hard to share with others. Saving the pages as PDF works, but it can take up a little too much room. What’s a … Read more

What Is a Blockchain Operating System?

The technology world is crazy about the blockchain these days. It makes it difficult if you have no idea what a blockchain is and why people would want one. With a discussion about making a blockchain operating system, it only things more complicated for those out of the loop! This article will explain what a … Read more

How to Create a Group Email in Gmail

If you are using Gmail to regularly send emails to multiple people, you should create a common group for all of them. Indeed, groups are useful to segregate friends, family, casual acquaintances and professional contacts. Whether you use Google’s webmail, phone app or a desktop email client, creating a group email in Gmail is really … Read more

How to Get the Most Out of Steam with Augmented Steam

Steam is a unique case, a strange hybrid of an online game e-shop and a platform for managing and launching your favorite games. And, if you so wish, other media and programs. Valve’s creation has many fans, who used to say they wouldn’t replace it with anything. But that doesn’t mean it is perfect with … Read more

How Cyber Criminals Hide Malware in .WAV Files

Hackers have developed many tricks to get their malware payload onto people’s systems. The very idea of a Trojan is a program that appears to do something beneficial but harbors something darker. These days, hackers have to be a lot sneakier with their attacks. They sometimes hide malware within another innocent file. This is called … Read more

How to Safeguard Yourself from Malicious Browser Extensions

Browser extensions are useful tools that can enhance your web-browsing experience in neat little ways. From speeding up your browsing to automating repetitive browsing tasks, the best browser extensions work silently and seamlessly in the background. Unfortunately, there is another category of extensions that can hurt you. These are the extensions that, either through faulty … Read more

How to Mute an Entire Website in Chrome

Gone are the days when you could surf a website without fear of an ad popping up suddenly and blaring a sales pitch at you on full volume. Nowadays every page on the Internet has several video and audio media links embedded in them, just waiting to automatically start playing the moment you start scrolling … Read more