How to Install Firefox in Chromebook

Chromebook runs Chrome OS, which is essentially the Google Chrome browser. When you power on your Chromebook, the Chrome browser will launch automatically so you can surf the Web immediately. What if you are not a fan of Google Chrome? Or perhaps you are paranoid about the data Google is collecting behind your back when … Read more

How to Set a Custom Homepage in Various Browsers

If you’re always going to a specific site when you turn on your computer, you might as well make it your home page. Every browser comes with the ability to set a custom home page. The process doesn’t take very long on major browsers, and it’s also beginner friendly. Note: Did your homepage change without … Read more

How to Digitize Audio and Video Cassettes

When was the last time you played an audio or video cassette? There are many who weren’t even born when VCRs or Sony’s iconic Walkman were the rage. In fact, you can find online tutorials that teach you how to play a cassette which is hilarious, if a bit sad. Since these pieces of nostalgia … Read more

Malware Distributors Create Fake Site of Popular VPN

Scammers these days know that the traditional clickbait and “Nigerian prince” scams don’t work as well as they used to. As people get wiser to scams, it’s become harder for hackers to sneak their attacks through their sense of security. As such, attacks have become more covert. Instead of directly asking the user to download … Read more

How to Get Started With GitHub Project Management

As you may imagine from the name, most people who use GitHub use it mainly for version control. After all, the Git version control system is where the service got its name. That said, GitHub has added quite a bit of functionality in addition to simple version control. Two aspects of that functionality is support … Read more

What to Look Out for When Selecting a VPS

There’s certainly no shortage of companies that provide virtual private servers (VPS). In fact, the market abounds with all kinds of offers. While it’s nice to have so many choices, it also makes it harder to pick the best of the bunch. If you are looking to get a virtual private server, here are the … Read more

What Is a Smart Home and How Do They Work?

We have been exploring smart homes for quite some time now. There are smart home technologies provided by appliance makers like Samsung or Haier that connect your entire home with smart devices. We discussed smart home hubs which are speakers and other central units managing various IoT-enabled devices. Moreover, there are recent innovations, such as … Read more

What Makes a Strong Password

Password “strength” is understood by most folks to be determined by the variety of character types in a password. But while signup forms might think complexity is security, attackers disagree. Complexity no longer defends against a modern threat model. What makes strong passwords? We need to first examine the actual threat model faced by most … Read more