Voyager X8 – One of the Best Linux Distros You’ve Never Heard Of

Although it might seem hard to believe for the beginner Linux user, there is is life beyond Ubuntu. One of the most notable systems the average user often overlooks is Debian itself, the origin of all Ubuntu and Ubuntu based distros. Debian offers unparalleled stability in comparison to most other Linux distributions, which is achieved … Read more

Broadcast Video Streams on Linux with Open Broadcaster

For the longest time streaming has been nearly impossible to do on Linux. Sure, you could use a hacky FFMPEG script to get it done, but nobody who’s not incredibly savvy with that kind of thing could ever accomplish this. Look no further. Open Broadcaster, a professional grade streaming software, is finally available on Linux. … Read more

Systemd – What You Need to Know

Unless you have been living under a rock, or worse – you don’t care much about how Linux works, you must have heard of systemd, the (relatively) new init system replacing the old and outdated SysV init recently adopted by most major Linux distros. What is an init system? When your Linux machine starts up … Read more

How to Get More Out of Your Xbox 360 Controller on Ubuntu

When you buy a game on Steam for Linux, chances are your Xbox 360 controller will work with it out of the box. This is possible thanks to the hard work from people who submit drivers to the Linux kernel. Everything is right there and ready to go. The fact that controllers “just work” is … Read more

Create and Edit Matroska Video Files on Linux with MKVToolNix

MKVToolnix is a suite of applications to work with Matroska video and audio files. The latest version, v8.1.0, released 27 Jun 2015, comes under the most respectable name of “Psychedelic Postcard.” It includes tools to edit Matroska files, extract information from them, or package many other video formats into an Matroska container. What is Matroska? … Read more

How to Get Android Notifications on Ubuntu Desktop Using KDE Connect

Imagine yourself reading an interesting article on your PC and chatting with your WhatsApp group on your phone simultaneously – not an unusual scenario, right? Now, you’d agree that not every WhatsApp message is worth replying to while chatting in a group, but in this scenario you’ll have to continuously switch between your PC and … Read more

How to Upgrade to Linux Kernel 4.1.1 on Ubuntu

Linux Kernel 4.1.1 was released earlier this week with a host of improvements and new features making it the most advanced and stable version of the 4.x LTS series. Greg Kroah-Hartman, who released this latest version, recommended existing users of the 4.1 kernel series upgrade immediately. As the Linux Kernel 4.1.1 is an LTS version, … Read more

How to Set Startup Applications in AwesomeWM

One of the coolest features that desktop environments and window managers have is the ability to schedule certain programs to open as soon as you log in. Set this up and your Linux session will be ready to use at the get-go. So how do you make programs start automatically at login with the Awesome … Read more

Edit fstab to Auto-Mount Secondary Hard Drives on Linux

If you are using Linux and have multiple hard drives in your system, you may find that the system does not auto-mount the secondary hard drive when you start up your computer. You’re probably mounting it manually with your file manager (or even a terminal command), and this isn’t the best way to go about … Read more