Discover the Universe From Your Armchair with Celestia

If you have enjoyed Stellarium, the free planetarium software for your desktop, you will love Celestia. While Stellarium let you explore the sky from the bodies of different planets, Celestia reverses the viewpoint and will allow you to discover the stars and planets of a considerable chunk of the Universe with very detailed images of … Read more

Tickr – An RSS Feed Ticker for The Linux Desktop

Remember RSS? You know, the short headlines and sentences of a few words each. Every major news site and blog has a feed. You can still get news the old fashioned way, only in a much nicer format. In the world of social media, RSS is still relevant. RSS feeds deliver the news we care … Read more

How to Set Up RAID in Linux

While a hardware RAID would be set up in the BIOS and automatically used by the Linux kernel, a software RAID will require somewhat more work on Linux. These instructions will suit someone with a home system who would prefer their files be safe or those running small self-hosted servers. For larger, production-grade systems, careful … Read more

Stellarium – A Personal Planetarium for Your PC [Linux]

Have you ever gazed into the night sky, wondering what the different stars are called? Do you now the names of constellations? And did you know that many cultures across the globe see different shapes and stories in the stars? A planetarium is probably the best choice to learn about astronomy in a way that … Read more

Netrunner 16 at a Glance

Netrunner OS is a KDE plasma based Linux distro. Netrunner comes in two flavours – the standard release based on Kubuntu and a rolling release based on Manjaro Linux. Besides the obvious cosmetic changes, like unmistakable branding and new looks and styles that are often introduced, the Kubuntu based Netrunner 16 aims to improve the … Read more

Easily Create a Virtual Machine on Linux with Gnome Boxes

When it comes to Linux, there certainly is no shortage of virtualization software. They’re all great programs; however most, if not all of them, are geared toward people who have a complete grasp of the advanced aspects of virtual machines. Enter Gnome Boxes, a program created to make virtualization easier. Does it have what it … Read more

Listen to Pandora Radio on Your Linux Desktop with Pithos

Ever heard of Pandora? Of course you have! It’s one of the most popular music streaming services out there right now. There’s only one real issue with it. It’s locked in a browser. This might not sound like a huge deal to some, but it actually is. Flash is a heavy plugin, and sometimes it … Read more

Sunflower: A Dual Panel File Manager for Linux

Sunflower is a powerful dual-pane FOSS file manager for your Linux Desktop, written in Python. It integrates seamlessly with GNOME desktop and works rather well in any other Desktop environment as well. While the main advantage of Sunflower over other file managers such as Ubuntu’s default Nautilus really shows with file operations like copying and … Read more

How to Install Deepin Terminal in Ubuntu

Deepin terminal is a python-based terminal emulator, specifically developed for the Chinese Linux distribution called “Deepin.” It has many useful features, some of which, like “quake mode” would usually require a separate application to be installed. Installing Deepin terminal in Ubuntu Deepin terminal has many Deepin OS-specific dependencies, so installation is not necessarily straightforward on … Read more