How to Remove Password Protection from PDF in Ubuntu

Portable Document Format (PDF) is one of the most frequently used file formats today. While it offers password protection, there are times when you might want to create an unsecured copy of a secured .pdf file, say for your personal use, so that you do not have to enter the password each time you open … Read more

5 of the Best Places to Find RPMs For Redhat-based Linux Distros

Using RedHat based Linux distributions has quite a few benefits. They’re usually more rewarding for advanced users, the installation process gives you more options and the package manager is awesome. However, there is one major downside to using a Linux distribution like Fedora or OpenSUSE over Debian or Ubuntu – software availability. Since RedHat-based Linux … Read more

How to Install the Budgie Desktop Environment on Linux

Looking to try out something new? Check out Budgie! It’s a fairly new desktop environment based on Gnome 3! It’s a beautiful piece of software created by the Evolve OS project. The main way to get Budgie is by using Evolve OS; however, it’s also possible to install Budgie on several different Linux distributions, including … Read more

How to Monitor Network Load From the Command Line in Linux

If you are a network administrator, you’surely know the importance of network traffic monitoring. While there is some excellent GUI-based software available for this, if you’re dealing with command line and are looking for a command-line alternative, I’d suggest you try slurm. In this article, we will discuss the slurm command along with the features … Read more

Cantata – A New Music Player for Linux

It seems that every year there’s a new music player for Linux. This is not necessarily bad, as it gives us a wider selection of software to choose from. Users can pick a lightweight player or try those that offer plenty of options and services. Cantata is one of the latter, and it has a … Read more

Use VnStat to Monitor Network Traffic from Linux Command Line

Network traffic monitoring not only helps administrators detect root causes of traffic related issues, like network overloading, but also helps them keep a tab on traffic flow to and from the Internet. Overall, it’s an important task that requires a dedicated and an effective software. For Linux, there are many GUI-based network traffic monitoring tools, … Read more

4MLinux Review and Installation Guide

4MLinux is a small Linux distribution that caters to the four M’s, which in this case are Maintenance (system rescue Live CD), Multimedia, Miniserver and Mystery (i.e. games). Each of the M’s has its own special version of 4MLinux, so there is “4MLinux Server Edition,” “4MLinux Rescue Edition,” and so on. Or you can download … Read more

How to Reset a Ubuntu Password

From the beginning of computers, they have always been protected by some sort of password so that the data inside the computer is safe and sound. Regardless of the protection, the common tech problem is that almost everyone is forgetting their user account password which essentially gives access to the computer and the data in … Read more