Installing Cinnamon on Ubuntu 14.04

The Cinnamon desktop is closely associated with Linux Mint, however it is also available for a number of other leading distros including Fedora, OpenSUSE and Arch Linux. If you are using one of those distributions, then you can find details on how to install Cinnamon on the project’s download page. For Ubuntu users there was … Read more

Add Style to Your Screenshots Using Screenie

It has been said that “a picture paints a thousand words,” and that is so often true when explaining technology. The screenshot is a key element in passing on pertinent information in an easy to digest format. It shows the reader what to expect, and when combined with an explanation, a screenshot can help readers … Read more

How to Turn Off Shutdown Confirmation Dialog Box in Ubuntu

To shut down or restart your Ubuntu machine, you click the Power button on the top panel and select the shutdown option which in turn opens another confirmation dialog box where you have to confirm your action of shutting down or restarting your Ubuntu machine. This same confirmation dialog box will also appear whenever you … Read more

CentOS 7 Review and Installation Guide

The very nature of the GNU Public License (GPL) ensures that any project, company or organization which builds products based on GPL licensed software has to release the source for that derivative work. And although it is possible to do this in an obscure way which isn’t very helpful, that isn’t what Red Hat does. … Read more

Three Useful Password Generators for Linux

Trying to come up with strong and yet easy to remember passwords can be a challenge. If you are like me when I need to enter a new password for an account, be it online or for a computer, my mind just goes blank! Luckily there are a number of password generators available for Linux, … Read more

First look at Evolve OS with Budgie Desktop

Evolve OS is a new desktop Linux distribution which includes the Budgie Desktop. The project has just started making its first public releases and is currently in the Alpha stage, so don’t expect everything to be working flawlessly. It is also worth noting that Evolve OS only supports 64-bit processors (x86_64 or amd64) and that … Read more

Creating Markdown Documents with ReText on Linux

The Markdown plain text format was created back in 2004 with the aim of getting authors to write using an easy-to-read document format that could also be converted into more complex forms like HTML or even PDF. To make some text bold in a traditional document editor, you would select the text and then either … Read more

Backup and Manage MySQL Databases from the Command Lines

MySQL databases play an integral part in many computer systems, especially when it comes to web hosting and internet services. With all that valuable data being entrusted to the database it is essential to make backups, and it is important to know how to administer the database server. MySQL includes two powerful tools for these … Read more

How to Debug a C or C++ Program on Linux Using gdb

The normal process for developing computer programs goes something like this: write some code, compile the code, run the program. If the program does not work as expected, then you go back to the code to look for errors (bugs) and repeat the cycle again. Depending on the complexity of the program and the nature … Read more

Test LXQt (Upcoming Version of the LXDE Desktop) on Ubuntu

One of the official derivatives of Ubuntu is Lubuntu, a version that is designed to use less system resources. To do this, Lubuntu uses the lightweight desktop LXDE, plus a selection of light applications. The next version of LXDE will be based on LXQt, which is itself the result of the merge between the LXDE-Qt and the … Read more