Using a Hex Editor on Linux

You are probably familiar with the notion of a text editor – Linux has lots of them, for both the terminal and the desktop. The command line choices include vi and nano, and while on the desktop, there are applications like gedit and Kate. But what if you need to edit a binary file? What … Read more

Writing Spreadsheets from the Linux Command Line

From VisiCalc and Lotus 1-2-3 to Microsoft Excel, the spreadsheet has been an essential application available on just about every desktop system since the Apple II. On Linux, there are various spreadsheets available including the ones built into OpenOffice and LibreOffice, plus there is a Linux version of Gnumeric. These are all graphical spreadsheets which are run from … Read more

NixOS Full Review and Hands-on

When categorizing Linux distributions, it is often useful to specify which package management system the distribution uses. There are many different package management systems in use, but the two most popular are probably the .deb and .rpm formats. The first comes from Debian and is used by Ubuntu, while the second was developed by RedHat. … Read more

Automate Software Installation After Installing Ubuntu

What is the usual thing you do right after a fresh install of Ubuntu? In most cases, it will be sourcing your favorite applications and installing them one by one to your system. This can be a hassle if you have hundreds of applications to install. What if there were a better way to automate … Read more

How to Manipulate HTML and XML Files from the Command Line

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has a number of free tools available to help with the correct generation and processing of HTML and XML files. The HTML-XML package is a set of simple utilities for manipulating HTML and XML files from the command line. It is available for many of the different Linux distributions … Read more

How to Play Games from the Linux Terminal

Today’s gaming experience is quite different to that of the 1970s and 1980s! The current generation of PCs, consoles and mobile devices can handle sophisticated 3D games with shaders, anti-aliasing and more. But there was a time when the only games that could be played were text-based. If you are up for a bit of … Read more

Tails – Full Review and Hands-on

You have probably heard of Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor who has leaked documents about the NSA’s spying activities. He needs to keep his communications private and secure, so the question is, what operating system does he use? Linux, of course! He doesn’t use just any old Linux distribution, but one specially designed to … Read more

Get the Most from Your Terminal Window with Tabs and Other Customizations

Modern Linux distributions try to shield users from the complexities of the command-line, but there are times when using a terminal is absolutely necessary. On Ubuntu, the default terminal is the GNOME terminal (“gnome-terminal“). To start it, tap the “Super” key (which is probably the Windows key on your keyboard), type “terminal” and then click … Read more