Create Montages and Proof Sheets from the Command Line in Linux

ImageMagick is a suite of tools for Linux which allows you to manipulate images from the command line. The “convert” command allows you to perform image conversions and image transformations, and you can use the “identify” command to view the Exif data in your images. Another tool from the suite is “montage” which allows you … Read more

Is Zorin OS a Good Alternative to Windows XP?

Microsoft has announced that on April 8, 2014, it will stop supporting Windows XP. This means that the 12-year-old OS will no longer receive security updates to fix vulnerabilities which have been reported to Microsoft. The result is that hackers could increase their attacks on Windows XP users, especially in the case of any zero-day … Read more

Open Multiple Applications Simultaneously in Ubuntu

When you are working on your computer, you probably need to work with several applications. For example, when I am writing an article, I need to open up applications like Firefox, Hotshots, GIMP, Autokey etc. The standard way is to open the applications one at a time. A more productive way is to open these … Read more

Configuring the Second (and/or Third) Monitor in Ubuntu

There was a time, back in the day, when having two screens on a computer was the sole privilege of advanced workstations used by graphics studios and designers. However, those days are long gone and now almost anyone can add a second (or even third) monitor to their PC, even humble Linux users! To add … Read more

Install the Latest Version of Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Thunderbird With Ubuntuzilla Repository

Mozilla has a popular set of Internet applications, the most famous of which is Firefox. Also available is an email application called Thunderbird and a all-in-one internet suite (which incorporates Firefox and Thunderbird plus a HTML Editor, an IRC chat program and some web development tools) called Seamonkey. New versions of all these programs are … Read more