Three System Monitoring Tools to Supplement top

The Linux “top” command is often the go to tool for system administrators who need to check on the health of a system. It displays essential system information like CPU load, memory usage, swap usage and a list of the top processes on one convenient, live screen. While “top” is good, there are also some … Read more

How to Create Crash-proof Reliable Backups on Optical Disks

Optical media might have lost their prominence to other portable storage mediums like USB pen drives, but they still have their uses. DVDs figure in my backup rotation policy for housing files that are over a year old. They are also a good medium to store a bare-metal image of a fully-setup machine. But optical … Read more

An introduction to using Zenmap on Linux

We have seen in the first two parts of this series (a beginner’s guide to using nmap and advanced uses for nmap) that nmap is a powerful, yet easy to use, tool for network discovery and service enumeration. However, like many command line tools, the wealth of information can sometimes be overwhelming and maybe difficult … Read more

How to Setup Multiple Linux Distros on Raspberry Pi

One of the attractive things about the Raspberry Pi (besides its price and capabilities) is that it can run several different flavors of Linux and even other non-Linux based operating systems like RISC OS. Each of these operating systems has their own SD card image file available. To experiment with the different OSes, this means … Read more

Beginner’s Guide to Using nmap

nmap is a network scanning tool which can be used for a whole variety of network discovery tasks including port scanning, service enumeration and OS fingerprinting. To install nmap on Ubuntu or Raspbian use: sudo apt-get install nmap For Linux versions that use yum, like Fedora, run this as root: yum install nmap The simplest … Read more

Advanced Uses For Nmap

Following on from the first part in this series, it is time to look at some of the more advanced features of nmap. Starting with the basic port scan, it is possible to get more information about the scan by adding the -vv flag: nmap -vv The output will look something like this: In … Read more

Control Process CPU Usage With nice and cpulimit [Linux]

No matter how fast your Linux machine is, there will always be some tasks that consume lots of CPU time. Everything from video encoding to running mathematical models can cause the CPU to run at 100%. This is fine if the machine isn’t doing anything else. But if it is your main desktop or it … Read more