Prevent Ubuntu From Going to Sleep While Watching Video

It can be pretty annoying when the screensaver pop in to take over the screen while you were watching video. In Mac, you can easily prevent the screen from sleeping, either with a command or with the Caffeine app. What if you are using Ubuntu? What solutions do you have to prevent the screen from … Read more

Add Mouse Gestures to Linux with Easystroke

For regular tasks (such as copy, paste, open a new window etc.) on your computer, you can simply make use of keyboard shortcuts to get things done quickly. However, if you prefer to use the mouse more than the keyboard, an alternative method is to make use of mouse gestures to replicate the behavior of … Read more

Accessing Shared Folder in VirtualBox with Ubuntu Guest

we have shown you how to access shared folder in VirtualBox with Linux host and Windows guest. If you want to access shared folder in Ubuntu guest (running Ubuntu as virtual machine), here is how you can do so. 1. In VirtualBox, select the Ubuntu VM and go to “Settings -> Shared Folders”. Select the … Read more

Change the sudo Password Timeout in Ubuntu

In Ubuntu (and any other Ubuntu-based distro), when you use a “sudo” command, the system will prompt you for your password. After the first “sudo” command, the system will remember your password for the next 15 minutes so you don’t have to enter any more password for subsequent “sudo” command. If, however, you feel that … Read more

How to Easily Kill an Unresponsive Application in Ubuntu

There are times when an application goes haywire and become unresponsive and it doesn’t close even when you click the Close button. To kill an unresponive app in Ubuntu, there are a few ways that you can go about doing it: Using the System Monitor 1. Open the System Monitor app. In the Processes tab, … Read more

Clear and Disable Recent Documents in Ubuntu

When you open Nautilus (the default file manager) in Ubuntu, there is a “Recent” entry on the left pane that allows you to view the recent files that you have opened. If you have recently opened a confidential files (or watched a prohibited video), you definitely don’t it the system to log it and show … Read more

Lock Up Files And Prevent Changes With This Simple Command

[Linux] There are times when you want to lock up files and prevent other people, or the system from making changes to them. Here is one simple command that you can use to lock up either a single file or folder: sudo chattr +i /path/to/file To unlock: sudo chattr -i /path/to/file Explanation: chattr is a … Read more

HotShots: A Lightweight and Useful Screen Capture Tool For Linux

The default screen capture tool in Linux (particularly Ubuntu) is really minimal. As a blogger who need to take screenshots all the time, I always wished the default screen capture tool in Ubuntu could do more than just taking screenshot. Shutter is a good alternative, but it is getting heavy and it crashes regularly on … Read more

Review of Precise Puppy: Puppy Linux With Ubuntu Favor

Puppy Linux is one of the best known lightweight Linux distro around. All you need is a USB drive and you will be able to run Puppy Linux on any computer without problem. Its recent release is built on top of Ubuntu Precise binary, which give it a solid base to start with. So how … Read more