Power Your Music Visualizations with ProjectM

Do you crave a stunning visual accompaniment when you listen to your favorite songs? Do you want to turn your computer into an extravaganza of sensory stimuli? If so, the music visualization app projectM is for you. Although recent releases for iOS and Android have gained a bit of momentum for this mind-blowing music visualization … Read more

Evilwm: A Devilishly Simple Window Manager for Linux

The first time I installed Gentoo Linux on one of my laptops, an expert friend helped me through the process. When I said, “Okay, so how do I install KDE?” he scoffed and told me to use evilwm instead. Since I was already on a roll with the Gentoo installation, I figured, “Why not?” So … Read more

How to Use a GUI on a Ubuntu Server

Say you want to use a GUI on a Linux-based server, and most gurus will chuckle and pat you on the head. But there are some very good reasons to have a GUI available on a server. Here’s how to go about getting a GUI on a Ubuntu server. Decide Why You Need Both The … Read more

Play Classic Adventure Games on Linux With ScummVM

It’s fun to relive the glory days on your modern computer. For me, that period was with the classic adventure games of the early ’90s: the ones made by both Sierra and LucasArts. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to play these games again in Linux, even though they were never made for that platform. Thanks … Read more

Migrate Your Linux Installation Between Machines

It’s bound to happen that you have an awesome Linux setup … until the latest and greatest new processor comes out. But don’t worry, with a Linux installation you can move the things you want to keep to your new machine, and get a fresh installation on the things you don’t. Preparation Since you’ll essentially … Read more

5 Alternative Podcast Clients for Linux

Most podcast fanatics on Windows and Mac OS X use iTunes as their main podcast client. What about Linux users? What are the podcast client that you can use? Here are five alternative podcast clients for Linux that I would recommend based on my own searching and experimenting. Graphical Clients 1. gPodder If you’d like … Read more

5 Books Every Linux Enthusiast Should Read

Even though there’s a wealth of online information about Linux available on the Internet, one of the best ways to learn is still a good old-fashioned book. Well, not completely old-fashioned. Many of these Linux books are available in electronic formats. The following is a list of five Linux books that every enthusiast should read. … Read more

How to Automate Document Conversion With Unoconv in Linux

LibreOffice (and it’s predecessor, OpenOffice) has long been the tool of choice for creating text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, and doing other office work on Linux. But while the Open Document Format works very well within open source programs, there will always come a time when you’ll need to exchange these files with someone on … Read more

How to Install and Set Up Mumble Voice Chat Software

Are you on the hunt for a low-latency voice chat and recording software for groups? Mumble is a popular, open-source voice-over-IP (VOIP) solution that can intelligently differentiate between voice and background noise, making for a very clean sound. Many gamers and podcasters use Mumble. Generally speaking, the name “Mumble” refers to either the Mumble protocol … Read more

Broadcast Live Video in ASCII Art with Hasciicam

Is Skype a little too modern for your taste? Hasciicam will take you back to the electronic days of yore, where you can broadcast live video to your friends – and even the public – in ASCII art. Hasciicam is a small command-line application written in C. It was originally developed by Rastasoft as part … Read more