How to Generate A New Sources List For Ubuntu

If you have ever peeked into the “sources.list” file located at the “/etc/apt/” folder, you will know that it contains the repository of all the packages available to your machine. Additionally, if you want to add PPA manually, you have to open this file and add the PPA to the end of the list. What … Read more

Advanced Image Processing with GIMP and G’MIC

If you’re a digital artist or designer, you’ve no doubt heard of the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), often referred to as the preeminent open-source alternative to Photoshop. But did you know that you can extend GIMP’s features dramatically with a plugin called G’MIC? G’MIC stands for GREYC’s Magic Image Converter, but it does a … Read more

Icaros: A Modern Open Source Amiga OS

You might have seen our article on Haiku, an open-source implementation of BeOS. It’s not the only open-source re-implementation of a classic computer OS. Icaros is a reimplementation of the classic Amiga OS for PCs. It’s based on AROS (the Amiga Research Operating System), but is available in a ready-to-run live version.The original Commodore Amiga … Read more

FIGlet and TOIlet: ASCIIfy Your Text Art

Do you remember the BBS days? Well, I don’t, but I hear they were really something. Even though I was too young to understand computers at the time, I’ve since developed an affectionate nostalgia for old school computing. Imagining how digital artists of the early ’90s (and even in the present day) laboriously crafted character-by-character … Read more

Haiku: BeOS for the 21st Century

Welcome back to 1995! Not. Although the open-source Haiku operating system is based on the older BeOS, a long-defunct operating system, the Haiku developers are keeping their projects up with the times. Today I’m going to give you a screenshot tour of this unique OS. Let’s Start with Some History Be Inc. started developing BeOS … Read more

Tasksel: Easily Install Group Software in Linux

If you started out using an RPM-based distro before advancements like “yum” or “apt-rpm”, you’re loving the magic of “apt-get” on Ubuntu and Debian. But when it comes to installing large sets of software, which may have either dozens (if not hundreds) of packages, or those that require a good deal of integration, sometimes “apt-get” … Read more

Run a DIY Internet Radio Station with Icecast [Linux]

So you’re a live DJ or musician, and you want to get some exposure for your skills online. There are various services you can sign up for to host Internet radio stations – and Shoutcast come to mind – but getting their tools to work on Linux is not always trivial. A fine alternative … Read more

OpenELEC – The XBMC Distro

XBMC is one of the most popular open source media center systems, due in part to the fact that it’s been available on platforms ranging from PC’s to game consoles to mobile devices. One of the other advantage of XBMC (which speaks to its open source license as much as its architecture) is its ability … Read more