Manage Your iPod via The Command line With GNUpod [Linux]

If you remember the beginning of the iPod, you will also probably remember that it was a nightmare for Linux. Apple required iTunes on your computer, and it worked only for Mac and Windows (with terrible performances). Today, the compatibility problem is solved and there is a plethora of options available for syncing your music … Read more

Is Calligra A Great Alternative to LibreOffice?

LibreOffice may be the most popular open-source Office Suite around, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other good open source office suite that you can use. If you are looking for a simpler, yet equally powerful office suite for your Linux system, Calligra might be a good alternative to LibreOffice (or is it?) Let’s check … Read more

Setting Up a Home Network with Linux Mint

Most households have multiple computers, whether it’s a combination of desktops, laptops, or a mix of both, plus wireless gadgets such as tablets and smart phones. One of the most fundamental and useful tasks is being able to share folders, files, and printers across a home network. Let’s take a look at one of the … Read more

How to Install And Configure Samba In Ubuntu For File Sharing

Samba is a useful service found in most Unix and Linux system that allows you to share file and print services with another computer, particularly a Microsoft Windows client. In Ubuntu, while the Nautiilus File Manager comes with a series of connection protocols to access files from a remote server, it doesn’t turn the machine … Read more

How to Kill An Unresponsive SSH Session [Quick Tips]

If you have login to a remote SSH session before, you will know that there are times where the SSH session become unresponsive. it could be due to a break in the Internet connection, or that you were away and the session timeout. Whatever the reason is, when the SSH session becomes unresponsive, all the … Read more

Mastering VLC via the Command Line [Linux]

Everybody loves VLC. It works under Windows, Mac, and Linux; it’s free and open source; it does practically everything we expect it to do and more; etc. Yet there is one thing that makes VLC really special for Linux – the command line. Every function, tip, and trick can be used via the command line, … Read more

How to Delete Old Files In A Folder Automatically In Linux

If you have a habit of storing all your temporary files on your desktop (or any other folder) and forgot to remove them later, you will find that your computer get messed up easily with tons of files that you have no use for. Once that happens, cleaning up your computer becomes a tedious task … Read more

How to Install LEMP Server In Ubuntu

A LEMP server refers to a server running Linux, Enginx (Nginx), MySql and PHP (or Perl/Python). It is similar to the popular LAMP server except that the underlying web server is managed by Nginx instead of Apache. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install LEMP server in Ubuntu 12.04. Nginx vs Apache … Read more

How to Connect to A VPN In Ubuntu [Quick Tips]

There are many reasons why you need to connect to a VPN. Maybe you need to connect to your office network so you can access some confidential files from your Home PC, or that you need an American IP to watch Hulu and listen to Pandora. Whatever the reason is, you can easily configure a … Read more

How to Monitor Your Linux Performance With Sysstat

Sysstat is a powerful logging and monitoring tool for Linux/Unix systems. It can be used to monitor system performance and troubleshoot problems. Though many distros have GUI based monitoring applications and API’s, sysstat is a go-to for power users and can log and track pretty much everything going on within your Linux box. Installation To … Read more