Using Kate As a Web Editor

There are many applications out there that provide project-based web development tools and very feature-rich interfaces, but sometimes all you really need is a good text editor. For those times, there are few editors that can stand up to the KDE powerhouse called Kate. Kate is a multi-document interface (MDI) text editor, available for both … Read more

How to Configure File Associations in KDE

Many Linux users, even the newest ones, love Linux because it is highly customizable. KDE in particular is one desktop environment that is very easy and fun to customize. Whether you want three panels and a rotating slideshow of wallpaper photos from your vacation in Peru, or simply want to make sure text files always open in … Read more

A Quick and Easy Guide to KDE KIO slaves

One of the many ways KDE makes our lives easier is by providing graphical interfaces for many of the tasks that computer users want to perform. Web browsers typically accept certain protocols that connect them to resources, such as http, https, and ftp. In KDE, these are called KIO slaves, and nearly all KDE applications can … Read more

How to Run 32-bit Apps in 64-bit Linux

Most Linux distributions have 64-bit versions for x86_64 processors, such as the AMD Athlon II or the Intel Xeon. Since these distributions maintain their own package repositories, they usually provide binary packages for all of their supported applications. If you are completely content with your out-of-box Linux installation, you may never need to run a … Read more

How to Run Multiple Linux Distros Without Virtualization

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article on How To Run Multiple X Sessions Without Virtualization, which demonstrated how you can run multiple desktop environments at the same time on the same computer, and switch between them at the push of a button. I admit, this was somewhat of a warmup for the real … Read more

How to Install Software from a Tarball in Linux

Most of the time, installing software in Linux is a breeze. Package management utilities like Apt, Portage, and Yum have made software installation in Linux even easier than it is in Windows (in my opinion at least). If you know what you want, you simply tell your package manager that you want it, and it’ll … Read more

How To Run Multiple X Sessions Without Virtualization

One of the best things about a Linux system is its flexibility. Even though I’ve been a heavy Linux user for years, I still come across features in the OS a related applications that surprise me. A while back I learned to run multiple desktop environments at the same time, using nothing but the features … Read more

Making Full Use of the Super (Windows) Key in Gnome

I use a lot of different computers. Many of those computers are on different operating systems, or desktop environments. Just when I find myself growing accustomed to a particular way of doing things, I find myself on a different system with a different way of doing things. Key combinations are some of the most common … Read more

How To Automate Tasks In KDE

KDE provides users with the tools to run software automatically using two features: Autostart and Task Scheduler (formerly called KCron). These tasks can be initiated immediately prior to KDE startup, during KDE startup, or scheduled at anytime: daily, hourly, weekly, or even every five minutes. Both of these features were present in KDE 3. Autostart … Read more