Auto-Unlock Keyring Manager In Ubuntu Intrepid

If you have set your Ubuntu machine to auto-login everytime you start your computer, you will find that as soon as you reach your desktop, the keyring manager will automatically pop up and ask you for the password to unlock itself and retrieve the key to connect to the wireless connection. The keyring manager is … Read more

How to Reduce Video File Sizes Using FFMPEG from Linux Terminal

Saving videos on personal storage drives, cloud services or disks can prove tricky when space is limited. Reducing file sizes makes holding onto larger files and growing collections easier, but some ways of doing this are more effective than others. There are a lot of tools to choose from in the video-handling arena, capable of … Read more

Pem: Manage Your Personal Expenses from the Command Line

While expense management is a critical task, both for businesses and individuals, it generally requires you to use a GUI-based software. If you’re a command line geek who is looking for a CLI-based alternative, you should give pem a try. In this article, we will discuss the command line tool, along with the features it … Read more

How to Install Snap Applications in Arch Linux

If you’re a longtime Linux user, you likely recall how difficult installing new applications could be. Unless it was included with the installer, you usually needed to go through the configure, make, make install process, usually hunting down missing dependencies along the way. Package managers like apt and yum made this much more manageable, but … Read more

How to Generate GPG Keys in Linux

Do you have files or messages you want to keep hidden? To keep them safe, you should be using GPG encryption keys. If you’re running Linux, encrypting your files using GPG is easy as long as you have the GnuPG installed. Here’s how you can generate GPG keys in Linux with just a few simple … Read more

How to Turn Your Raspberry Pi into a Wireless Access Point

Are you looking to create multiple access points throughout your home without any of the latency and connectivity issues typically associated with using a Wi-Fi extender? In this article you’ll learn how to turn your Raspberry Pi into a wireless access point. Once your wireless access point is up and running, anyone who has the … Read more

How to Enable Dynamic Transparency Ubuntu

With the release of GNOME 3.22, the developers removed dynamic transparency from the top bar. In the past, GNOME’s top bar on Ubuntu was mostly transparent until a window touched it. It made the desktop environment, especially on distributions like Ubuntu, cleaner and much less cluttered, making it a favorite among users. That’s a real … Read more

5 of the Best Linux Distros for Beginners

If you’re considering giving Linux a try, you might be put off by the risk of a steep learning curve. Not every Linux distro is as hard to get your head around as Arch, however. A number of Linux distros are perfectly well-suited to beginners. Let’s take a closer look at five ideal Linux distros … Read more

How to Enable and Use Flatpak on Fedora

With the releases of Fedora 32 and Ubuntu 20.04, Linux users have seen a shift in package formatting, whether to their delight or chagrin. Universal package formats like Snap and Flatpak are beginning to gain in popularity, and in my opinion, for good reason. It’s an easy and simple way to get access to a … Read more

Saidar Is a Curses-based, Easy-to-use System Monitoring Tool for Linux

Linux offers many system monitoring utilities; while some are popular and widely-used, like top, htop, and more, there are others that aren’t as well-known and powerful, although that doesn’t mean they aren’t useful. Here, in this article, we will discuss one such utility dubbed Saidar which is extremely easy to use and lets you monitor … Read more