How to Manage Symlinks in Linux

Symlinks are files that link directly to other files. In Linux systems, symlinks serve as shortcuts. The term “symlink” is a portmanteau of “symbolic” and “link,” highlighting the utility of such files as symbolic references to other things. So-called “hard” links function more as copies of the files they reference than literal links. “Soft” or … Read more

Use These Keyboard Shortcuts to Quickly Move Around in Bash

When you misspell a command or path in Bash, you probably use the cursor keys (“arrow keys”) on your keyboard to move your cursor around and fix your typo. You’re pressing Delete or Backspace repeatedly to remove whole words, only to then type them again properly. Did you know that there are keyboard shortcuts in … Read more

How to Manage Your PPAs with Ubuntu’s Software & Updates

The Software Center in Ubuntu doesn’t contain all software. To install third-party software, you will have to add Personal Package Archives (PPA) to the system. Although it’s easy to add and remove PPAs to Ubuntu through the terminal, some people consider anything involving typing commands to be “hard to use.” If you find yourself in … Read more

Enabling Laptop Mode in Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a great operating system, but like most Linux-based systems, it has battery life issues. Ubuntu is probably the best with a laptop’s battery, but that’s not saying much. If you’re used to using Windows and have recently switched over to Ubuntu, you will probably notice a drop in battery life. Why does this … Read more

Is Arch Linux Better than Ubuntu?

Arch Linux and Ubuntu are two major players in the Linux world. Both have a gigantic fan base, with many people taking a hard stance in favor of one and against the other. These distributions have each spawned a whole family of derivative distributions which are large players in their own right. But which is … Read more

5 Deadly Linux Commands You Should Never Run

As a Linux user, you probably have searched online for articles and tutorials that show you how to use the terminal to run some commands. While most of these commands are harmless and could help you become more productive, there are some commands that are deadly and could wipe out your whole machine. In this … Read more

How to Create CS:GO Server on Linux VPS

Steam’s official game servers for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive are good enough for most purposes. However, you don’t control them. If you create your own server, you will be able to: Set your own rules, such as match time, freeze time, max players, friendly fire, and so on. But watch to be sure you don’t break … Read more

How to Check the Weather from the Terminal with AnsiWeather

AnsiWeather is a shell script designed to instantly display the current weather condition in the terminal in ANSI format. It’s better than alternatives in that it’s ultra-fast and needs no resources since it doesn’t run continuously and presents the desired forecast instantly. It’s straightforward to use but also offers some options that allow you to … Read more

Get the Latest Version of Gnome on Ubuntu

A long time ago, Ubuntu releases would sync up with new Gnome releases. Those were the good old days. Now that’s not the case. New Ubuntu releases almost never contain the latest version of Gnome 3. This is unfortunate because this means Ubuntu users are really missing out on some great updates. With each new … Read more

How to Play Witcher 3 on Linux

Released in 2015, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt received critical acclaim, scooping up over 800 awards, including over 250 Game of the Year awards. The Witcher 3 is available for Windows, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch, but Linux users have been left out in the cold. The good news is there are some workarounds to … Read more