Do You Really Need Antivirus Software on Linux?

There’s a myth that Linux doesn’t have viruses. but for most people, it’s true that they don’t need an antivirus on Linux. How can both those claims be true? Do you really need antivirus on your Linux machine? Although there have been cases like EvilGnome, a piece of malware that made headlines last year for … Read more

Glusterfs vs. Ceph: Which Wins the Storage War?

Storing data at scale isn’t like saving a file on your hard drive. It requires a software manager to keep track of all the bits that make up your company’s files. That’s where distributed storage management packages like Ceph and Gluster come into place. Ceph and Gluster are both systems used for managing distributed storage. … Read more

How to Upgrade Ubuntu from the Command Line

Ubuntu’s Update Manager makes it relatively easy to upgrade your installation to a new major release. The utility’s graphical interface guides you through a step-by-step wizard that should be easy to follow. But there are times when you cannot use a graphical utility – for example, on servers you don’t have access to a graphical … Read more

Robolinux Install Guide and Hands-on Review

Robolinux is a Linux distro which caters, in part, to those who want to migrate away from Windows. It is based on the latest stable release of Debian GNU/Linux, and according to its creator, the distro is designed for those who need support for Windows but want a virus and malware free environment. To try … Read more