5 Tools to Easily Create a Custom Linux Distro

With so many Linux distros out there, you are probably wondering why someone would want to create their own distro instead of getting a ready-made one. While in most cases a ready-made distro is fine, if you want to have a distro that is 100 percent tailored to your needs, you may have to create … Read more

5 Tricks to Speed Up Compile Times in Gentoo Linux

Gentoo is a powerful and flexible Linux distribution. With its innovative package manager – Portage – it allows you to sculpt your computer system down to its most basic parts. This is because Gentoo, by default, requires you to compile all the packages that you want to install. That approach allows you to change compile-time … Read more

Why and How to Edit Your Sudoers File in Linux

Within your Linux system, there is a file called “sudoers”. This is a text file that controls the deepest levels of your permission system. It permits or denies users from gaining super-user access and holds some special preferences for sudo. Content What is the sudoers file? When do I Need to Edit the sudoers File? … Read more

What Is Artix Linux and How to Install It

Artix Linux is a fast and easy to use Arch Linux-based distribution. It started as a version of Arch Linux without SystemD around 2017. Since then, it has grown to be a distribution that aims to create an Arch Linux environment that promotes package simplicity and security. Content Why Use Artix Linux? Obtaining Artix Linux … Read more

7 of the Best LaTeX Editors for Linux

Word processors are great. They can handle basic composition jobs such as writing letters and essays. However, word processors cannot easily handle documents with custom layouts and graphs. This is because word processors such as Microsoft’s Word and Libreoffice’s Writer are not designed for those tasks. As such, this can be incredibly limiting if you … Read more

How to Install Your Own Federated Twitter with Pleroma

Microblogging is a wonderful way to express your thoughts. It is short, succinct and sweet. In this regard, Twitter has been one of the most popular microblogging platforms in the world. However, relying on this particular company for your microblogging needs not be the best solution for everyone. Fortunately, there are alternatives such as Pleroma … Read more

How to Fix Windows MBR from Ubuntu

If you have tried to dual boot your Windows system with Linux, then you have probably encountered some changes that may not be welcome. When installing Linux in this environment, the GRUB bootloader will overwrite the Windows bootloader within the Master Boot Record (MBR). This is also true in reverse: if you have installed Linux … Read more

5 Hidden Features You Can Use to Improve Emacs

Emacs is a wonderful tool and with the right third-party packages you can create your own environment within it. Functions such as window spawning and terminal emulation are just some of the parts of Emacs that are hidden to the casual user. This article aims to shed light on some of those in order to … Read more

How to Use Password Store to Manage Your Passwords in Linux

Password Store is a simple UNIX program that uses the GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) and Git to secure and manage passwords for your Linux system. It is simple, lightweight and fast. However, this simplicity means that accessing Password Store’s database to fetch your passwords can be a bit of a pain. However, if you are … Read more

How to Save the Terminal Output to a File in Linux

The terminal is the heart of a Linux system. Every program that runs in Linux is running underneath a terminal command line. This includes massive programs, such as web browsers and even simple ones such as text editors. As such, being able to properly use the terminal is an important step if you want to … Read more