The Best Antivirus Programs for Ubuntu

Let’s be real here. When it comes to virus threats, Linux is the last thing on a hacker’s mind. However, that doesn’t excuse it from all attack vectors. Though Linux benefits from “security by obscurity,” you still have to worry in some ways. For example, just because Linux can’t run Windows programs (without Wine) doesn’t … Read more

How to Install Pip in Ubuntu

Linux is absolutely rife with package managers. Not only does Ubuntu have apt, but many programming languages come with their own package managers as well. Node.js has npm, Ruby has gem, and Python has pip. Pip stands for Python Installs Packages and lets you easily install packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI). You can … Read more

Adjust and Normalize Your Music Files with FFMPEG

Not all audio files are created equal. Sometimes, they’re too quiet, too loud, or just off. When you find yourself with a problematic audio file, you aren’t stuck just dealing with it. FFmpeg, a powerful open-source audio utility can help. It can adjust the volume of your files and normalize them to get rid of … Read more

What Is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes (pronounced “CUBE-A-NET-IS”) is an open-source platform that helps manage container applications such as Docker. Whether you are looking to automate or scale these containers across multiple hosts, Kubernetes can speed up deployment. To do this it may use internal components such as Kubernetes API or third-party extensions which run on Kubernetes. This article will … Read more

7 Great XFCE Themes for Linux

Gnome might be the de-facto default desktop for many Linux distributions, but that doesn’t mean it’s everyone’s favorite. For many Linux users that distinction goes to XFCE. While it’s not as lightweight as it used to be, XFCE remains a favorite among users who want their desktop environment to stay out of their way. Just … Read more

How to Change Your LUKS Encryption Passphrase

You decided to protect your data with LUKS, and that’s great, but you chose a bad passphrase, and you need to change it. You’re in luck. Unlike a lot of encryption solutions, LUKS actually does allow you to change your passphrase fairly easily. Unfortunately, this isn’t a solution for a lost passphrase, you do need … Read more

How to Extract Zip Files in Linux

Zip files aren’t as common as they used to be when download speeds were slower and every saved byte mattered. Still, it’s a fairly common file type. Sooner or later you’ll probably have to open one. Depending on the distribution you use, it’s probably fairly easy to extract a zip archive. Even so, it can’t … Read more

A Complete List of Google Drive Clients for Linux

Google Drive is a fantastic online storage space that provides up to 15GB for free so you can back up and sync your files. It also syncs with several third-party services, and you can access it on major operating systems like Windows and macOS. However, on Linux the process is different. While there is no … Read more

How to Watch Your Favorite Streaming Services on Linux

There are a lot of streaming services out there, and everyone has at least one. Unfortunately, a lot of streaming services don’t support Linux or even actively block it. Don’t worry, though. You can still use most of them from your Linux PC, and they work very well. You’ll just need to make your streaming … Read more

How to Use Dropbox in Non-Ext4 Linux Filesystem

Using Dropbox on Linux used to be very easy. For many people, it still is. If you happen to use a filesystem other than Ext4, however, it is suddenly much harder. Fortunately, you’re not completely out of luck. What’s the Problem? For a long time Dropbox supported most any filesystem you wanted to use, then … Read more