How to Make Your Server Invisible with Knockd

When you have a server that is publicly accessible, hackers can easily scan your IP address and check for open ports (particularly port 22 that is used for SSH) on your server. One way to hide your server from hackers is knockd. Knockd is a is a port-knock server. It listens to all traffic on … Read more

The Beginner’s Guide to pstree Command on Linux

pstree is a powerful and useful command for displaying running processes in Linux. Like its companion ps, it shows all running processes currently active on your logged-in system. The main difference is that the processes are organized in a tree instead of in a list. This tree shows processes in a parent-child relationship. The parent … Read more

Getting Started with Awk Command

Awk is a powerful data processing programming language built in to almost every *nix system. It looks like a general purpose programming language on the surface, but it’s built to take input and run actions based on that input. If you need to process text based on certain conditions, awk will almost always get the … Read more

How to Install Gitlab on an Ubuntu Server

Gitlab is a self-hosted Git management tool, similar to popular options like Github and Bitbucket. Instead of hosting your projects on someone else’s service, though, you run the server and have complete control over your own projects. You’re not at the mercy of changes imposed by the provider. Gitlab also lets you include your repositories … Read more

How to Easily Install Windows Games on Linux with Winepak

Flatpak is a universal packaging format for Linux. It’s a favorite among third-party vendors and proprietary software developers because it allows them to package their Linux programs once and distribute them across all distributions. Recently, some creative developers decided to apply that philosophy to running Windows games on Linux with Wine. Every game needs its … Read more

How to Enable CSD Support in Firefox for Linux

For years Linux users have complained that applications like Firefox don’t quite fit into their desktop environments. While it seems like a minor detail, it’s an irritating one, especially when other operating systems have no such issue with desktop integration. Recently, with the release of Firefox 60, Mozilla finally added support for Client Side Decoration(CSD) … Read more

How to Bring Back Nautilus ‘Type-Ahead Search’ in Ubuntu 18.04

GNOME Developers removed Nautilus’ type-ahead feature way back in 2013 in favor of a recursive search that searches files in the current folder as well as sub-directories. Type-ahead makes it possible for users to start typing the name of a file or directory to select it without searching any sub folders. This made it really … Read more

The Complete Guide to PlayStation Emulation on Ubuntu

The original Playstation was undoubtedly a great game console. It was the first console to bring disk-based games to the mainstream, and it was home to a whole host of now classic games, spawning more than a few legendary franchises. The day of the PS1 has long passed, but the games are still great, and … Read more

What Is a PPA in Ubuntu, and How Do You Use It?

Before you can understand what a PPA is, you need to take a step back and look at what a Linux software repository is. Every time you install a piece of software on your Linux system using your package manager, it’s coming from a software repository. Each distribution configures its repositories slightly differently, but they … Read more

How to Use Chkservice to Manage Systemd Units in Linux

It’s important to learn the necessary Systemd commands to start, stop, enable, and disable units from the command line. Spending a lot of time at the command prompt can be tiring, though, so Chkservice was created to help ease the strain of these managerial tasks. Chkservice uses its Ncurses-based terminal interface to provide you with … Read more