How to Install Firefox Developer Edition in Linux

Web developers for the most part have had to use the development tools given to them by browser makers. For the most part this works great because companies like Google and Microsoft include these tools in browsers everyone already uses. However, at the end of the day browsers like these are for consumers, not developers. … Read more

5 of the Best Ebook Readers for Linux Users

More and more ebooks are starting to replace physical books. This means more and more people are getting their hands on digital books, including Linux users. That’s why we’ve created this list – to help Linux users find the best ebook readers out there! Each of the eBook readers on this list are good in … Read more

5 Ubuntu Unity Features You May Not Have Known About

Ubuntu Unity has been around for a while and debuted in release 11.04. Since then Canonical has been introducing new features in each release. Some features have been embraced by the Ubuntu community at large. As a result, these features are still talked about to this day. Other features are not so lucky. In this … Read more

How to Display Your IP Address in System Tray in Ubuntu

There may be times where, while debugging an issue, you need a machine’s IP just to check whether or not it is reachable. Or you have to quickly tell your machine’s internal/local or public IP to your colleagues. If you are on Ubuntu and want your machine’s IP address to be available to you, there’s … Read more

How to Add Mac-Like Multi-Touch Gestures to Ubuntu

Though the Mac operating system has many faults, it’s at the top of its game in a lot of respects. Ease of use is the main place where Apple excels above the rest. On a Mac laptop a user can expect a wonderful, impressive touchpad experience due to how macOS implements touchpad gestures. On Ubuntu … Read more

4 of the Best Places to Find DEBs Packages for Debian-Based Linux Distros

Debian-based Linux distributions have one thing going for them: superior software selection for users. When it comes to making software for Linux, all the big companies target this type of Linux distribution first. Often some developers don’t even bother to make packages for other types of Linux distributions and only make DEB packages. However, just … Read more

Useful Tips to Make Gedit an Even Better Text Editor

The Gedit text editor in Linux is known for its simplicity of use. In its default form it offers almost all the basic functionality that an ideal text editor should. However, the real strength of Gedit lies in the fact that its feature set can be expanded using plugins. There’s a plethora of plugins available … Read more

How to Encrypt Your Hard Disk in Ubuntu

Privacy, security and encryption go hand in hand. With encryption users can take extra steps to increase the security and privacy of their operating system. In this article we’ll go over the benefits and downsides of encrypting the entire hard drive on Ubuntu Linux. Additionally, we’ll cover exactly how to set up encryption at the … Read more

How to Make Unity Dash Respond Faster on an Old PC

If you have used Ubuntu, you know that it comes with the Unity desktop environment. The idea behind Unity was to make the Ubuntu desktop more attractive or modern-looking while also making it easier for users to find what they are looking for. Whether or not Unity achieved its goal is a totally different question, … Read more

3 Useful VIM Editor Tips and Tricks for Advanced Users

Vim is undoubtedly a very powerful text editor. It offers a plethora of features which means that studying and remembering every Vim functionality isn’t practically possible. But what we can do at least is keep learning easier ways of doing things so that our experience with the editor keeps on getting better with time. With … Read more