How to Use Old Xorg Apps in Unity 8 on Ubuntu 16.10

With the release of Ubuntu 16.10, Unity 8 has been getting more attention than usual. This is because the latest release of everyone’s favorite Linux distribution comes with an experimental desktop to play with. This desktop is the Unity environment most are used to, with a twist. It no longer is making use of X11 … Read more

How to Quickly Preview Files in Ubuntu Without Opening Them

A few days ago I was stuck in a situation while working on a development project on my Ubuntu machine. I didn’t have access to an IDE and was supposed to verify that all the source code files (spread across various directories) in the project had a particular header comment. There were over fifty such … Read more

How to Add Weather Information to System Tray in Ubuntu

While there are many feature-rich weather applications available for Linux (both GUI-based and command line-based), from an end-user’s perspective it won’t be completely wrong to say that most of the time these apps are only used to know basic information like temperature. If you are one of those who only want to keep themselves updated … Read more

The Beginner’s Guide to Using a Linux Distro

You’ve all heard how great Linux is, but when you try using it, you feel lost. “Linux is for techies,” you think. Not at all – long gone are the days when performing simple tasks under Linux was comparable to rocket science for the ordinary user. Now Linux is as user-friendly and intuitive as any … Read more

10 of the Best KDE Plasma Applications You Should Try

The open source world has benefited immensely from the work of the KDE Community who have developed a ton of high quality applications that cater to the needs of almost every type of individual. Many of the applications tend to fit every feature imaginable instead of only the common ones so as to appeal to … Read more

How to Watch Twitch on Linux without a Web Browser

Have you ever wanted to watch Twitch outside of the browser on the Linux desktop? It is now possible, with the help of Gnome Twitch. This software breaks the entire Twitch experience out of the browser and doesn’t sacrifice too many features along the way. Best of all, the software makes use of different stream … Read more

How to Improve Your English from the Linux Terminal

While English may not be the most spoken language in the world, it’s definitely one of the most important ones, especially in the world o business. It is often the language of choice between two parties when both speak and understand only their native languages. Good English skills open new avenues for those aspiring to … Read more