Transferring Big Files in Terminal on Linux with

Ever wondered what it would be like to be able to transfer big files over the Internet right from your Linux terminal? With, you can quite easily. Let’s be clear here: uploading and transferring files in the terminal with curl or otherwise is not a new thing. However, finding a mainstream file sharing service … Read more

The Beginner’s Guide to Recording Audio in Audacity

Audacity, according to the developers, is a “free, open source, cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds.” This means that we can all work together, regardless of our preferred operating systems, to participate in the art of creating and editing audio. And Audacity supports plugins! Plugins are amazing, wonderful things, especially when the base program … Read more

Xombrero: A Minimalist Browser with Focus on Security

Xombrero, as it describes itself in its website, is a “minimalist Web browser with sophisticated security features designed-in,” and that just about sums it up. Unlike many minimalist browsers, such as Qutebrowser and Luakit, it actually has a familiar interface that allows users who are used to Firefox and the like to jump right in. … Read more

Fruho: A User Friendly VPN Tool for Linux

Want to set up a VPN connection on your Linux machine? Frustrated and confused on how to do it? This program may be an option for you. It’s called Fruho. Fruho is a lightweight VPN manager for Linux. The developers boast that it requires no configuration to get going. The aim of this program is … Read more

How to Set Up MediaTomb on Linux

Though fancy media server technology like Emby and Plex exist, not everyone can use it. It is because of this that many people still use DLNA servers to deliver their media libraries to DLNA-ready devices like game consoles, smart TVs and even phones and tablets. There are a few choices for DLNA servers on Linux. … Read more

UbuntuBSD: Combining the Best of Ubuntu and BSD

There’s a new project out there that is combining the Free BSD kernel along with all the tools and utilities that you’ve come to know when using regular Ubuntu. Combining Linux with BSD is not a new thing, but this project is compelling regardless. When you install this operating system you’ll get access to all … Read more

How to Display System Information with Neofetch on Linux

Over the years Linux users have been known to write command line-based scripts that “fetch” or display system information from their machines. Multiple community based scripts of this type have come and gone, but the more popular ones out there are still being used today. NeoFetch is one of these such scripts and looks to … Read more

5 More of the Best Icon Packs for Linux

There is no end to how much you can customize your Linux desktop which makes it the most attractive platform for people who want total control over every aspect of their computing experience. Installing icon packs is one of the more interesting ways to do this, and while they do not change the whole interface … Read more

Run Android Apps on Linux with Shashlik

Seems as if every day there’s a new way to run Android apps on the Linux desktop. Most of the new methods for running these apps involve either installing a virtual machine with Android on it or using various Google Chrome extensions to load APKs. These methods are nice, but they don’t blend with the … Read more